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  • Ed Beck Avatar

    Why Moodle should be the next great OER Tool

    In the State University of New York, a large spotlight has been shone on the potential of Open Educational Resources (OER). Open resources can be a variety of things, from a textbook, to lecture materials, to an adaptive learning system that your students can use. SUNY is a loose federation of 64 community colleges, four-year…

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    Why Moodle should be the next great OER Tool
  • Ed Beck Avatar

    What it’s like to influence the world’s leading open source LMS

    I was interviewed by a fellow Moodle Users Association member for a feature on I have followed to Moodle Project closely since the beginning of my education career. In fact, my first full time job in a high school was in a classroom where we had a netbook for each student. We used Moodle…

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    What it’s like to influence the world’s leading open source LMS
  • Ed Beck Avatar

    Adjusting Moodle for Accessibility

    SUNY Delhi is a 4 year, residential college. It’s programs and course offerings are reflective of its history as a two year college of technology, with 40 associate degree programs, however it also offers 16 baccalaureate programs and several masters degree programs. These programs range from Automotive, Culinary Arts, Nursing, and Architecture and Design. As…

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    Adjusting Moodle for Accessibility
  • Ed Beck Avatar

    Bringing Moodle to Wells College

    Wells College is a very traditional, small liberal arts college in Central New York. With a student population just over 500, and under 40 full-time tenure-track faculty, we affectionately call ourselves a micro college. Before the summer of 2015, there was no campus wide Learning Management System available to the faculty. My first major project…

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    Bringing Moodle to Wells College