2023- The year of accessible math on the web
For the last couple years, I’ve been doing training in SUNY around Math Accessibility. Math accessibility, especially the accessibility of equations was a complicated and technical problem, and we needed people to really dig into the issues, find solutions, and be able to express them to other people. In 2019, I was working as a…
Crowdsourcing ideas with other Instructional Designers – Digital Flashcards and Flipcards
For the last year, I have been volunteering on the Advisory Council of ID2ID, a collaboration of Penn State and Educause that connects Instructional Designers, and gives us a community to connect, work on projects, or meet people around the globe working in our field. In the Universal Design channel, one Instructional Designer asked about…
Productive Failure: MathJax and Pressbooks
As an OER specialist and accessibility advocate, I feel double pressure that when we create openly licensed materials, we have to hold ourselves towards the highest standards of accessibility. That’s not easy when we are talking about STEM, but it’s a responsibility I don’t take lightly. Online, when you have accessible math displayed in a…
Building the SUNY Math Accessibility Cohort
Over the past year, I have been involved with a group of Instructional Designers, Librarians, Accessibility Professionals, and SUNY System Administration leadership that we called the SUNY Math Accessibility Cohort. Prior to building the cohort, I was being asked to run more sessions across SUNY on Accessibility in Math, MathML, and how to create math…
What it’s like to influence the world’s leading open source LMS
I was interviewed by a fellow Moodle Users Association member for a feature on I have followed to Moodle Project closely since the beginning of my education career. In fact, my first full time job in a high school was in a classroom where we had a netbook for each student. We used Moodle…
Accessible Math: MathML, LaTeX, & Handwritten Math
For SUNY Accessibility Week, I participated by hosting a webinar on Accessible Math. I learned a lot about what makes math accessible working with the SUNY OER initiative. Often, I would be asked to convert books from format to format, and do it in a way that we did that promoted accessibility. It made me…
Adjusting Moodle for Accessibility
SUNY Delhi is a 4 year, residential college. It’s programs and course offerings are reflective of its history as a two year college of technology, with 40 associate degree programs, however it also offers 16 baccalaureate programs and several masters degree programs. These programs range from Automotive, Culinary Arts, Nursing, and Architecture and Design. As…